

Hope´s puppies arrived on 31st October - we have 1 Boy and 5 Girls...
More info here





Happy New Year!!!


Didi & Fuji got their own site finally!

2xCACIB Komarom
Saturday, 10th October 2015
Border Collie judge D. Penizek, Jack Russell judge: Walter Jungbluth
Piper, ex1, Veteran-BOB

Cindy: vp1 (in the short cut for Baby-BIS under last 8 out of around 50)
Fuji: ex1, HPJ, Junior-BOB (junior class)
Didi: ex1, CACA, res.CACIB (intermediate class)

Sunday, 11th October 2015
judge S. Dollmann
Fuji: vg1 (junior class)

Didi: ex1, CACA (intermediate class)


2xCACIB Tulln
Saturday, 26th September 2015
judge D. Penizek:
Didi: ex1, CACA, res.CACIB

Sunday, 27th September 2015
judge Dr. A. Schemel:

Didi: ex1, CACA


I also showed Klaudia´s Flippi - Ultra Sixth Sense - and he won Juniorwinner on both days and the title "Bundesjugendsieger" (was his first show)! Big congrats Klaudia, Flippi did a great job and is really a lovely boy!!!


2xCACIB Klagenfurt
Saturday, 6th June 2015
Border Collie judge P. Harsanyi, Jack Russell judde A. Cerne:
Piper: ex1, Veteranwinner, BOS & res. best Veteran in Show
Didi: ex1, CACA, CACIB, BOB & 5th in Group (first start in intermediate class)

Sunday, 7th June 2015
Border Collie judge F. Cochetti, Jack Russell judde L. Oklescen:

Piper: ex1, Veteranwinner & Veteran-BIS
Didi: ex1, CACA, res. CACIB

What a great weekend for us, here are some impressions:



Piper was entered in Veteran Class, which was the class with the highest entry of the day (25) and won 2nd place - so proud of my girl, she did such a great job, many thanks to the judge Robert Tunnicliff (Littlethorn kennel)

18th January Clubshow Ljubljana (Slo), judge: Edith Soltesz

Piper won Clubwinner, BOB & BIS2 and fullfilled the conditions for the Slovenian Champion! Another great result for my girl!


Piper is Austrian Champion of Champions 2014!!!!

Many thanks to the judges Leif-Herman Wilberg, Francesco Cochetti, Anatoli Zhuk, Phyllis Poduschka-Aigner & Petr Rehanek for thinking so highly of my girl!

Piper won BIS at the NÖ-show for british herdingdogs in Horn on 26.October 2013!!!

New picture of my beautiful boy Greenpire Burlington - "Nelson", he fulfilled the conditions for the Austrian Champion in Graz on 3rd March! Big congrats Marta and thank you for everything :)

Piper & Tom had a successful start in the new year:


January: 2x CACIB Ljubljana:

1st day: judge Mag. Maja Korosec: Tom Veteran-BOB and Piper CACIB (Cruftsquali)

2nd day: judge Darko Korosec: Tom Veteran-BOB and Piper CACIB & BOB!!

Tom fullfilled the conditions for the Slovenian Veteranchampion!


February: 2x CACIB Brno

1st day: judge Bozena Czempas-Chowaniec: Tom Veteran-BOB and Piper CACIB & BOB (Cruftsquali)

2nd day: judge Ake Cronander: Tom Veteran-BOB and Piper CACIB!

Piper fulfilled the conditions for the Czech Champion and Tom for Czech Veteranchampion - well done darlings!

12th February 2012

We had a nice walk in the snow - click on the pic to see the photoalbum!

February 2012

New homepage is online!!!